中文翻译与英英解释 | vi. 1.(水等)发出潺潺声;【航空】起气泡;产生涡流。 2.嘟嘟嚷嚷地说话;暗笑;暗暗地生气。 短语和例子 a burbling brook 水声潺潺的溪流。 n. 1.空谈。 2.【航空】气流分离;旋涡。 短语和例子 burbly adj.
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| flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise; "babbling brooks" 同义词:ripple, babble, guggle, bubble, gurgle,
例句与用法 | 1. | She quickly burbled her thanks and left the room 她很快地嘟哝了一声谢谢后就离开房间了。
| | 2. | She burbled about her trip 她滔滔不绝地谈她的旅行。
| | 3. | Burble out of the ground at many different temperatures and with many different types of mineral content 位于火山地带的阳明山拥有多种不同泉质不同温度的温泉。
| | 4. | And a water , the brocade stream jinxi , rised from the upper big dragon pool daiongqiu , burbles down through the valley 谷中有水名锦溪,源于大湫,注经行峡沿筋竹涧入清江而归海。
| | 5. | We recently visited a real race track to watch some racing , and something that struck us was the difference in the burble of every car that zoomed past 我们最近拜访了真实的赛车场,然后看了几场比赛,我们可以说,真的跟真的一样了!
| | 6. | Selected 20 species burbles of the downy feather of birds ( 10 species in galliformes phasianidae and the other 10 species ) , and observed the downy feather by means of the microbservation and measure 摘要选择20种(鸡形目雉科10种和不同目10种)鸟羽,观察分析它们绒羽羽小枝的显微结构。
| | 7. | The results showed that ( 1 ) the difference of 10 kinds of burbles of the downy feather are resemble in the form ; ( 2 ) the other 10 species burbles of the downy feather has changed remarkable in the form and diameter of nodes and pigments distributing 结果表明: ( 1 )雉科10种绒羽羽小枝形态变化甚小; ( 2 )不同目10种绒羽羽小枝在节间长度、节的直径以及节的形态、色素分布等变化很大。
| | 8. | He had eleven children , all of whom were , almost from the moment they learned the alphabet , roped into the endless business of helping to sift through and alphabetize the several million slips of paper on which were recorded every twitch and burble of the language over seven centuries 他有11个孩子,所有的孩子差不多从学会字母那一刻起,就被这无休止的生意给缠住了- - -帮着筛选七百万个纸片,并按字母表的顺序进行分类,这些纸片记录了七个多世纪所使用的所有字的来龙去脉