| 1. | The masses won't go for bureaucracy . 对于官僚主义,群众是不买帐的。
| 2. | The proposal was bogged down in bureaucracy . 这个建议由于官僚主义而被搁置。
| 3. | The bureaucracy is here to stay . 这里的官僚机构是长存的。
| 4. | The dead hand of bureaucracy is slowing our progress . 官僚主义的流毒拖慢了我们的进步。
| 5. | Bureaucracy may be said as a disease in our very vitals . 官僚主义可说是我们的心腹之患。
| 6. | In the meantime he left me to manage the bureaucracy . 在此期间,他把我留下来对付官僚机构。
| 7. | His interest in bureaucracies continued for over two decades . 他对科层制的兴趣持续了20多年。
| 8. | He advised me to ensure that the bureaucracy was loyal . 他向我提出忠告,必须设法做到使僚属忠贞不二。
| 9. | The word " bureaucracy " often includes contempt when used . “官吏”这个词在使用时常常带有轻蔑的含义。
| 10. | You know how inefficient and tyrannical government bureaucracies are . 你知道官僚主义政府多么无能,多么专横。