| 1. | Frank had his churlish delicacies . 富兰克有罕见的温情。
| 2. | It would be churlish to refuse . 一口拒绝,可太粗暴了。
| 3. | It would be churlish to tie strings to our help . 把我们的援助加上一些附加条件,那是吝啬的。
| 4. | At home he was churlish , parsimonious and cruel to his daughter 在家里他对他那些女儿粗暴无礼且残忍。
| 5. | I ejaculated mentally , you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality 我心里直叫, “只为你这样无礼待客,就该一辈子跟人群隔离。
| 6. | With wall street at an - historic peak , it may seem churlish to dwell on potential problems for the global economy 华尔街正处历史巅峰,要详细阐述全球经济的潜在问题似乎不合时宜。
| 7. | Churlish as it may be to criticise those who set out to do good , many charities behave as if they were unaccountable 许多的慈善机构表现得很不负责,虽然我们这样责备这些从事善行的人可能显得不礼貌。
| 8. | It is likely that when resources and effort have been expended on their behalf , patients feel it is churlish not to express some satisfaction 也可能是机构的资源与人员的努力,让病人感到不表达些许的满意是没有礼貌的。
| 9. | Churlish as it may be to criticise those who [ color = orange ] set out to2 [ / color ] do good , many charities behave as if they were unaccountable 也许去批评那些一心想做点好事的人是很无礼的,但是许多慈善团体表现地似乎一点责任感都没有。
| 10. | Politicians need a stronger peer - review system that goes beyond the churlish opprobrium of the campaign trail , and i would love to see a political debate in which the candidates were required to make the opposite case 而政治人物除了选战里的恶毒攻讦外,同样需要极具权威的同侪检视系统,我会很乐于见到候选人必须在政治辩论会以相反立场进行答辩。