| 1. | This attitude was equated with justice by cicero . 西塞罗将这种态度看成是正义。
| 2. | Cicero could pause over no such sublime words of hope, and look to no such future reunion . 西塞罗却没有机会停下,来细细咀嚼这些庄严而充满希望的话语,因而也不会盼望将来这种团圆的时刻。
| 3. | In ascribing "natural force" to the law, cicero made it clear that the mind and reason of the intelligent man was the standard by which justice and injustice were to be measured . 西塞罗在把“自然效力”归于该法律时,明确地提出智者的理性是衡量正义与非正义的标准。
| 4. | A preliminary study of cicero ' s law explanation theory 西塞罗的法律解释理论初探
| 5. | Cicero ' s political philosophy in the rhetorical view 西塞罗修辞学视野下的政治哲学
| 6. | Viewing cicero ' s dual character of thought from his de re publica de legibus 看西赛罗思想的两重性
| 7. | Give me your hands , brother cicero 西赛罗兄弟,把你的手给我
| 8. | Pop , six , squish , uh - uh , cicero 吹六个格吱声啊-啊西塞罗
| 9. | On cicero ' s thought of natural law 贺拉斯文艺创作思想探微
| 10. | So this one night before the show we are down at the hotel cicero 所以在表演前一晚,我们下榻西瑟罗旅馆