| 1. | She churns out romantic novels . 她写了很多浪漫小说,质量很差。
| 2. | The ship's propellers churned the waves to foam . 轮船的推进器将海浪搅出泡沫。
| 3. | His stomach churned with nausea . 他的胃翻腾欲呕。
| 4. | Watching the white people eat would make my empty stomach churn . 看着白人吃东西,我的空肚子就翻腾起来。
| 5. | I wish i could send you a pat of the fresh butter i churned yesterday . 我真想送你一块我昨天做的新鲜奶油。
| 6. | The chromosphere is a frothy layer churned up by gases in the photosphere . 色球层在光球层气体的搅拌下是个多泡层。
| 7. | The churning debris reached a relatively straight-wall segment of the channel . 翻腾的岩屑到达相对顺直的河道壁的地段。
| 8. | The sound of the swinging churn rocked mrs. thompson first into a gentle doze . 搅乳器晃动的声音首先使得汤普生太太微微打盹。
| 9. | It was a long bad night, a sterile churning of regrets and afterthoughts . 这是漫长而痛苦的一夜,她心潮起伏,毫无结果地懊悔和思考往事。
| 10. | With fascination and wonder and hot, churning emotion, they stared at the road . 他们带着惊奇、迷惘、急躁、心头翻滚的情绪盯着那条公路。