中文翻译与英英解释 | n. (pl. cicerones, -ni ) 〔意大利语〕 (名胜古迹)讲解导游人。 do the cicerone担任讲解导游。
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| a guide who conducts and informs sightseers
Cicerone is an old term for a guide, one who conducts visitors and sightseers to museums, galleries, etc., and explains matters of archaeological, antiquarian, historic or artistic interest. |
例句与用法 | 1. | The visitors were gathered in the hall by cicerone 导游把这些参观者都聚集到了大厅里。
| | 2. | My russian cicerone ! do you know the way 我的俄国导演!你认识路吗?
| | 3. | Said the cicerone to the coachman , and the carriage drove rapidly on 导游对车夫说,马车疾驶而去。
| | 4. | The cicerone reclosed the door , and sprang up by the side of the coachman 庇皮诺跳上车坐在车厢外的后座上。
| | 5. | Asked the cicerone 导游问道。
| | 6. | A tentative analysis of aesthetic in traveling and the role the cicerone plays in the traveling aesthetic 试论旅游审美及导游在旅游审美中的作用
| | 7. | The horses only arrived at two o clock , and the cicerone did not bring the passport till three 驿马到两点钟才来,去代领护照的向导直到三点钟才到。
| | 8. | " excellency , " cried the cicerone , seeing franz approach the window , " shall i bring the carriage nearer to the palace ? “阁下, ”向导看到弗兰兹走到窗口面前,就大声喊道, “要我把花车驶近王宫来吗? ”
| | 9. | Oh , dear , my friend and i are travelling in kaifeng , but now we haven ' t find a suitable ciceroni , can you help us 外国游客1 :小朋友,我与我的朋友来开封旅游,但是我没有找到一个合适的导游,你们可以以帮我吗?
| | 10. | I thought you were earning a living in tuscany or piedmont by acting as facchino or cicerone , and i pitied you sincerely , as i would a child of my own 我原以为你是在皮埃蒙特或托斯卡纳当向导混饭吃的,我真心真意地可怜你,就象可怜我自己的孩子一样。