| 1. | Cia had entirely disregarded the resistance groups . 中央情报局完全没有把这些抵抗组织放在眼里。
| 2. | Rusk has done a lot with state; but no one dealt with cia . 腊斯克在国务院做了许多工作;但还没有人抓中央情报局。
| 3. | These ideas were also hotly contested by the cia when i lectured to them in 1959 . 我在1959年向中央情报局作报告时,这些观点也引起了他们的激烈争辩。
| 4. | For the next three days the cia planners canvassed alternative landing sites . 在会后的三天里,中央情报局的策划者们仔细地研究了可供选择的登陆地点。
| 5. | No one is promoted through the ranks to director of cia who is not tempered in many battles . 凡是从行伍提升为中央情报局局长的人,没有一个不是久经战斗锻炼出来的。
| 6. | In may 1964 i visited washington to try to persuade the cia to help our fledging movements analysis program . 1964年5月,我走访华盛顿,企图说服中央情报局帮助我们执行刚刚出笼不久的“活动分析”计划。
| 7. | For these reasons, as the escambral resistance began to fade out, cia now reconsidered its original plan . 由于这些原因,随着伊斯坎布拉伊山区抵抗运动的逐渐消沉,中央情报局这时就对原来的计划加以重新考虑。
| 8. | Tom karamasines, the cia director of plans, issued a stern rebuke, and it was the beginning of angleton's slide from power . 中央情报局计划处处长汤姆卡拉马辛斯对他严加斥责,这就是安格尔顿仕途失意的开始。
| 9. | Cumming's report made no mention of the implications for the cia visit of doyne ditmass'removal from the movements analysis program . 卡明的报告根本不提把多伊尼迪特马斯调离“活动分析”计划工作会对中央情报局派人来访一事产生什么影响。
| 10. | I was just explaining how the cia approached me 我刚刚在解释中情局怎么联系上我