| 1. | Commission for the investigation of abuse of authority ciaa , nepal 尼泊尔- - -滥用职权调查局
| 2. | The ciaa may take various actions including prosecuting the concerned public official and the associates in the court of law Ciaa可以采取各种行动,包括在法庭上检控有关公职人员及其他相关人士。
| 3. | The commission currently comprises a chief commissioner and four commissioners , appointed by his majesty the king upon the recommendation of the constitutional council , chaired by the prime minister 组织架构ciaa目前由一名总局长及四名局长组成,他们都是由国王经宪制议会推荐而委任的。
| 4. | The commission may make suggestions or recommendations to the government for amending laws or making certain improvements in the functions and procedures of the government , or part thereof , with a view to enhancing and improving good governance practices in the country Ciaa可以向政府提出意见或建议,透过修订法例或改善政府的职能、工作程序等,加强和改善国家的管治。
| 5. | If investigation leads to a finding of an " improper act " the commission may admonish , recommend departmental actions in the case of judges and chiefs and members of constitutional bodies or ask for recovery of the loss inflicted by such an act Ciaa经调查后如发现任何不当行为,可作出警告,或建议有关部门采取行动(牵涉法官以及宪法机关的主管或成员) ,又或就该不当行为所招致的损失要求赔偿。
| 6. | The perfect and swift communication between ciaa and singapore headquarter also other branch offices ensures all our professionals in the company able to share company ' s resources , work together for a same project 思雅城市景观( ciaa )有限公司与新加坡总公司及其他分公司保持非常完善的联系,迅捷的电脑电讯网络等现代技术确保了公司能够将资源共享并灵活调配,使公司全体专业设计师可以一致协作,共同致力于同一项目中。