| 1. | Probably the best known of these is colchicine which interferes with mitosis . 知道的最清楚的可能是秋水仙碱,它影响有丝分裂。
| 2. | Mutation induction of colchicine in mango stem tips 秋水仙碱对芒果茎尖的诱变作用
| 3. | Diesel cars without headgear should catch colchicine 若非巾柴车,应是钓秋水。
| 4. | The toxic effect of colchicine on the liver of mice 秋水仙碱对小鼠肝脏的损伤作用
| 5. | Studies on polyploid induction of chinese jujube with colchicine 秋水仙碱诱导枣多倍体的研究
| 6. | Spectroscopy study on the interaction between colchicine and pepsin 秋水仙碱与胃蛋白酶相互作用的光谱性质研究
| 7. | Study on the electrochemical characteristics and electroanalytical method of colchicine 秋水仙碱的电化学性质及电分析方法研究
| 8. | Spectroscopy study on the interaction between colchicine and bovine serum albumin 秋水仙碱与牛血清白蛋白相互作用的光谱性质研究
| 9. | Purpose : to explore the technique of induction of polyploidy in isatica indicago by colchicine treatment 摘要采用直接浸渍和加入培养基法对菘蓝种子进行诱导,探讨秋水仙碱诱导菘蓝多倍体的方法。
| 10. | Method : induction of polyploidy by colchicine treatment is efficacious , and part of the doubled plants were identified as homologmous tetraploids 结果表明:用秋水仙碱诱导菘蓝多倍体植株是有效的,已有部分植株已加倍成为同源多倍体。