中文翻译与英英解释 | stiff coarse fiber from the outer husk of a coconut
例句与用法 | 1. | Resilient mattress with palm fibre and coir 棕纤维弹性床垫
| | 2. | Textile floor coverings - coir mats - types and specification 纺织品地板覆盖物.椰壳粗纤维垫.类型和规范
| | 3. | Bai dacheng and the coir figure art 白大成与鬃人艺术
| | 4. | The fishing rafts , the coir raincoats , the cormorants , and the fishing rafts composes a typical picture of the li river , with the fire being the soul of the picture , for the actors performing on the rafts are 220 fishermen from 5 neighboring villages 渔火竹排、蓑衣、鹭鹚、渔火,构图着漓江的经典画面,当它化成满江渔火时,你一定会领略到漓江生活的另一种风情,因为参加表演的是周边5个村庄的220位渔民。