中文翻译与英英解释 | coarse curly-leafed cabbage 同义词:kale, kail,
| | a hardy cabbage with coarse curly leaves that do not form a head 同义词:kale, kail, borecole, colewort, Brassica oleracea acephala,
例句与用法 | 1. | Cole sighed audibly . 科尔的叹息清晰可闻。
| | 2. | Some, like cole l.blease of south carolina, were sheer demagogues . 有些人,象南卡罗来纳的科尔L布利斯,是地道的煽动家。
| | 3. | [ cloud ] we ' re securing the perimeter , mrs . cole 我们在球场周围保护,科尔太太
| | 4. | Cole , that tune you were playing was just beautiful 柯尔,你弹的曲子听起来真美
| | 5. | Yes . it is . it is ted cole . good morning , mendelssohn 没错我就是早上好,梅德森
| | 6. | Look at the bright side , cole . at ieast the weather ' s nice 乐观点,至少天气不错
| | 7. | Hello . this is former first lady charlotte cole 喂,这是前第一夫人夏洛特.科尔
| | 8. | - where ' s cole ? - swim to the rocks , this way -克尔呢? -游到岩石那里,往这边来
| | 9. | May i inquire how you did , cole ? how i did 我可以问几个问题吗,科尔我怎么做
| | 10. | " so , no , we are not looking for ashley cole . “因此,不,我们对科尔没兴趣。 ”