| 1. | Analysis of e . coliform group by slip method 纸片法检测大肠菌群测定结果的实验研究
| 2. | Related factors of gram ' s dye of coliform 大肠杆菌革兰氏染色影响因素分析
| 3. | Determination of coliform bacteria in feeds 饲料中大肠菌群的测定
| 4. | Maximum probable number of coliform group 大肠菌群最近似数
| 5. | Microbiological examination of food hygiene detection of coliform bacteria 食品卫生微生物学检验大肠菌群测定
| 6. | Suffice to say that for drinking water coliform numbers should be one or less 只要饮用水的大肠菌数目不超过1就可以了。
| 7. | The monitoring of fecal coliform in hangzhou west lake and its environment significance 杭州西湖水体粪大肠菌的监测及环境意义
| 8. | Methods of microbiological examination for barber ' s tools - determination of coliform bacteria 理发用具微生物检验方法大肠菌群测定
| 9. | The contrastive test of coliform in foodstuff by national standard and paper count plates 国标法和纸片法对食品中大肠菌群检测比较
| 10. | Leachate . detecton for members of the coliform group . multiple - tube fermentation method 生活垃圾渗沥水.总大肠菌群的检测.多管发酵法