| 1. | She wrote the book in collaboration with her sister . 她和姐姐合作写成此书。
| 2. | Our collaboration is over . 我们的合作结束了。
| 3. | This collaboration soon led to another surprising discovery . 这次合作很快导致又一次令人震惊的发现。
| 4. | A first pair of models were developed in collaboration with t. wolaver . 最早的一对模型是与TWolaver合作提出的。
| 5. | Each major experiment involves strong motions, and dedicated collaboration . 每一项重大的实验都少不了强烈的情感,以及密切的协作。
| 6. | He did not write the treaty alone but in collaboration with three astute and determined negotiators . 他并不是一个人,而是和三个诡计多端并且坚决的谈判者一起拟订条约的。
| 7. | His vices were no barrier to hitler's collaboration with him along the hard and dangerous part to power . 他的劣行并不妨碍希特勒和他在夺取政权这条艰苦而危险的道路上互相合作。
| 8. | The disaster relief coordinator works in collaboration with all other appropriate united nations bodies, with the league of red cross societies and other voluntary agencies . 救灾协调专员与所有其他适当的联合国机构、红十字会协会和其他志愿机构协同工作。
| 9. | A close collaboration between theory and experiment during this time revealed both the success (limited though it was) of these concepts, and more important, their shortcomings . 在此期间,理论与实践的密切结合证明了这些概念的成功(尽管是有限的),而更重要地也揭露了他们的缺陷。
| 10. | Executive roundtable business networking collaboration group 中国电力企业联合会