| 1. | Collagen fibers appear in the wound . 在伤口中出现了胶原纤维。
| 2. | The matrix of bone contains both fibers of the protein collagen and mineral deposits . 硬骨的基质既含有蛋白质的胶原纤维,也含有矿物质沉积。
| 3. | The group of enzymes capable of degrading collagen under physiological conditions are the collagenases . 在生理条件下能降解胶原的一组酶是胶原酶。
| 4. | It incorporated proline directly, and hydroxylated it subsequently in a manner reminiscent of collagen . 它直接将脯氨酸并入,并且随后象骨胶那样使它羟基化。
| 5. | Collagen and elastin provide the strength and resiliency of connective tissues such as skin and ligaments . 胶原和弹性蛋白使象皮肤和韧带这样的结缔组织具有韧性和弹性。
| 6. | In this chapter we briefly review the structure, biosynthesis, degradation and regulation of collagen in tissues . 在本章中我们简要地叙述组织内胶原的结构,生物合成的、降解和调节。
| 7. | the collagen molecule, also known as tropocollagen or collagen monomer, is about 3, 000, long by 15. 胶原的分子也称为原胶原或胶原单体物,长约3000,宽15。
| 8. | Before collagen is secreted from the cell several of its constituent amino acids are hydroxylated and some are also glycosylated . 在细胞分泌胶原以前,有几个氨基酸组分发生羟基化,有的还发生糖基化。
| 9. | Progress and application of injectable collagen 可注射胶原溶液的研究进展及其应用
| 10. | Properties of the collagen fiber and its application 胶原蛋白纤维的性能与应用