| 1. | Collate a new edition with an earlier edition . 将新版本与旧版本作详细比较。
| 2. | You may collate the latter with the earlier edition . 你可将新版与旧版相对照。
| 3. | For six of the most important polymer radicals the values of k3. t are collated in table 4.4 . 表4.4整理了六种最重要的聚合(物)自由基的K3T值。
| 4. | For the third course, one of us, a. sechehay, performed the same detailed task of collating and synthesizing the material . 至于第三度课,我们中的阿雪施蔼也做了同样细致的校对和校订工作。
| 5. | Collating the value of each into a string 的子节点,将每个值整理成一个字符串。
| 6. | Collating sequences are discussed in more detail in the section 排序序列将在小节
| 7. | You are allowed to create custom collating sequences 您可以创建定制的排序序列。
| 8. | True if the printed document is collated ; otherwise , 若文档是逐份打印的,则为
| 9. | On liang qichao ' s thought of collating ancient books 略论梁启超的古籍整理思想
| 10. | On shen jiaben ' s collating methods of legal literature 论沈家本校勘法律文献的方法