| 1. | Easy post processing with electronic pre - collator 电子分页便于后续处理
| 2. | Comac continuous multiple access collator 连续多次存取校对程序
| 3. | Identity collator implements the character comparison based on the code point Identity排序器实现基于编码点的字符比较。
| 4. | Electronic - brain collator 电脑校对机
| 5. | The explanatory notes have been added within the context by the collator and editors 全书64页,中英对照, 2003年9月出版,每本定价港币28元正。
| 6. | In general , the collator does not have a sort order as you would naturally expect in a language 总的来说,这个排序器采用的排序次序与对语言的自然预期不同。
| 7. | This collator ensures all characters , supplementary and non - supplementary , have the same binary collating sequence as utf - 8 这个排序器确保所有字符(补充字符和非补充字符)采用与utf - 8一样的二进制排序次序。
| 8. | Win - py20 / np pack to pack collator is mainly used in the subsequent process of commercial bill and stationery printing Np配页打号机是我公司开发研制的具有国际先进水平的多功能组合式配页打号机,主要用于商业票据、电脑表格纸印刷的后续加工。
| 9. | My thanks to mr li cheuk - to for supplying the original set of photographs , which enhances the quality of the illustrations , mr yu mo - wan for supplementing profiles of film workers with his thorough research , and the collator miss may ng for her hard work and contribution . to them and all who contributed to the project , thank you 蒙李焯桃先生提供原装相片,务求影像达到最佳质素,又蒙余慕云先生补充电影工作者小传,本书在吴君玉小姐的悉心校订下重新印行,特此向他们及各位予以协助的朋友致谢!