| 1. | That was the first thing colleen asked , too Collen问的第一件事也是这个
| 2. | The colleen bawn , my colleen bawn 金发少女。我的金发少女366 。
| 3. | ' dr painter , this is colleen at your message service Painter先生,我是你用的通信公司的collen
| 4. | And hit colleen and then a tree , 撞倒了个姑娘和一棵树
| 5. | And hit colleen and then a tree , 撞倒了个姑娘和一棵树
| 6. | Oh , i ' ll find ' em , colleen 噢,我会找到他们
| 7. | Artist name : jane , colleen 艺人名称:歌莲简
| 8. | Female artist jane , colleen 女艺人歌莲简
| 9. | Colleen properties agency 新顺泰地产
| 10. | Dunlavy , colleen a . politics and industrialization . new jersey : princeton university press , 1994 《政治与工业化》 。新泽西:普林斯顿大学出版社, 1994 。