| 1. | The pith of this stemlike stele appears rather strongly like collenchyma tissue . 茎状中柱的髓显得颇强健,像厚角组织。
| 2. | Collenchyma cells have thick walls that are especially developed at the corners of the cell . 厚角组织细胞尤其在细胞的各个角上具有厚壁。
| 3. | Collenchyma a specialized type of parenchyma , usually located just beneath the epidermis , that functions as supporting tissue 厚角组织:一种特殊类型的薄壁组织,通常位于表皮的下方,起支持作用。
| 4. | Collenchyma is the first strengthening tissue to be formed in young plants and is able to expand as the yound tissues continue development 厚角组织的有较强的机械强度,并且能够随着周围细胞的延伸而扩展。
| 5. | The bacteri of strain tl2 were found to be mainly distributed in the intercellular space of sclerenchyma in the root , the intercellular space of collenchyma and vascular bundle in the stem , the stomatal apparatus , the intercellular space of epidermal cell , collenchyma and endodermis in the leaf 其菌体主要分布在根部厚壁组织的细胞间隙,茎部厚角组织的细胞间隙、维管束等组织的细胞间隙、叶片的气孔器附近、上下表皮细胞间隙、厚角组织细胞间隙以及内皮层组织细胞间隙等。