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发布时间:2021-02-01 作者: 英语查

conjunct 是什么意思


progressing melodically by intervals of a second; "conjunct motion of an ascending scale"

involving the joint activity of two or more; "concerted action"; "the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind"; "the conjunctive focus of political opposition"; "a cooperative effort"; "a united effort"; "joint military activities"
同义词:concerted, conjunctive, cooperative,

bound in close association; "conjunct influences"; "conjunct ideas"


1.On january 31 and february 1 , venus will conjunct jupiter in one of the year ' s loveliest annual events

2.August 22 moon mercury and saturn will be conjunct and opposed to neptune . unconscious or planted fears manifesting

3.We can ' t develop without your support , we ' re intent on cooperating with you to create our conjunct brilliant career

4.Empirically , there is evidence to show that the extracted element of atb constructions is originated in the first conjunct only

5.Cscl is the conjunct of the theoretics and method of cscw and cl . webcl is the development and applications of cscl under the internet circumstances
Cscl是计算机支持的协同工作( cscw )与协作学习( cl )理论与方法相结合的产物,基于网络的协作学习是cscl在网络环境下的发展与应用。

6.A strongly placed natal vertex ( conjunct the horizon , in close aspect to a personal planet , in a critical degree or in the degree of the nodes ) can indicate more consistent results

7.Not only was the egyptian calendar based on the rising of sirius , but that the sun is astrologically conjunct sirius every year on july 4 , for the birthday of the united states of america

8.As the conjunct section of the international trade law and the banking law , the legal problem of the bank ' s position in international trade is worthy of being studied specially i think

9.In some industrial measuring and controlling occasion , it ' s not expediency to conjunct some devices to the master control computer with cable , while exploiting radio will raise disturbance and the circumscribe of utility application

10.But in long - range material capital can only accelerate regional economic sustainable development by conjunct multiplication with zoology capital . meanwhile , this process needs multiplication of human resource to promote them

上一篇: conjugation是什么意思

下一篇: conjure是什么意思
