| 1. | On january 31 and february 1 , venus will conjunct jupiter in one of the year ' s loveliest annual events 在1月31日和2月1日,金星和木星相会将是一年一度最可爱的事件。
| 2. | August 22 moon mercury and saturn will be conjunct and opposed to neptune . unconscious or planted fears manifesting 8月22日月亮水星和土星将是相连和反对海王星。不自觉或被种植的恐惧体现。
| 3. | We can ' t develop without your support , we ' re intent on cooperating with you to create our conjunct brilliant career 我们的发展离不开您的支持,热切希望与您共同合作,共创我们的辉煌事业。
| 4. | Empirically , there is evidence to show that the extracted element of atb constructions is originated in the first conjunct only 从实证角?上看,有?据表明横越式?型的成分提取仅起始于第一个并?项而已。
| 5. | Cscl is the conjunct of the theoretics and method of cscw and cl . webcl is the development and applications of cscl under the internet circumstances Cscl是计算机支持的协同工作( cscw )与协作学习( cl )理论与方法相结合的产物,基于网络的协作学习是cscl在网络环境下的发展与应用。
| 6. | A strongly placed natal vertex ( conjunct the horizon , in close aspect to a personal planet , in a critical degree or in the degree of the nodes ) can indicate more consistent results 宿命点强有力的位置(合地平线,与本命行星合相,或者紧张相位,或者与月交点合相,最能发挥作用。
| 7. | Not only was the egyptian calendar based on the rising of sirius , but that the sun is astrologically conjunct sirius every year on july 4 , for the birthday of the united states of america 不仅埃及日历是根据天狼星的升起为基础,而且太阳每年7月4日作为美国诞生日占星上连接天狼星。
| 8. | As the conjunct section of the international trade law and the banking law , the legal problem of the bank ' s position in international trade is worthy of being studied specially i think 银行在国际贸易中占据独特地位,其作用不可替代,作为国际贸易法和银行法的重要组成部分,国际贸易中银行的法律地位问题有着特殊的研究价值。
| 9. | In some industrial measuring and controlling occasion , it ' s not expediency to conjunct some devices to the master control computer with cable , while exploiting radio will raise disturbance and the circumscribe of utility application 在一些工业测控场合中,有些设备与主控机之间不便进行有线连接,而采用无线电又会增加干扰和申请应用上的限制。
| 10. | But in long - range material capital can only accelerate regional economic sustainable development by conjunct multiplication with zoology capital . meanwhile , this process needs multiplication of human resource to promote them 但从长远看,随着生态资本的增殖,物质资本会因机会成本的降低而增殖,区域经济的可持续发展也就会在两者的共同增殖中不断向前推进。