中文翻译与英英解释 | vt. 1.使用魔术变出。 2.祈求。 3.想像出 (up)。 短语和例子 I conjure you by all that is holy to desist. 务祈作罢。 conjure an egg out of an empty cup 从空杯里变出一枚鸡蛋。 vi. 施魔法;变戏法。 conjure away 念咒驱逐[消除]。 conjure down 召来(魔鬼)。 conjure out 念咒语使出现;变戏法变出。 conjure up 念咒召来;(凭想像)作出,使现出,想像出。
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| engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together; "They conspired to overthrow the government" 同义词:conspire, cabal, complot, machinate,
| | ask for or request earnestly; "The prophet bid all people to become good persons" 同义词:bid, beseech, entreat, adjure, press,
| | summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic; "raise the specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the air"; "call down the spirits from the mountain" 同义词:raise, conjure up, invoke, evoke, stir, call down, arouse, bring up, put forward, call forth,
例句与用法 | 1. | A weekly cabaret was conjured up . 每星期举行一次即兴的歌舞表演。
| | 2. | She can conjure a rabbit out of a hat . 她能从帽子里变出兔子来。
| | 3. | Finally, she decided he must be conjured . 最后,她认定他准是被人施了魔法。
| | 4. | Once again he conjured up the illusion . 他又唤起那种错觉。
| | 5. | Curtis o'keefe was a name to conjure with . 柯蒂斯奥基夫是一个富于魔力的名字。
| | 6. | I conjured her to tell me what she had said to him . 我恳求她告诉我她对他讲过些什么话。
| | 7. | The picture once conjured up would not be laid . 一旦想象出了这幅图画,就不可能再把它抹去了。
| | 8. | Many other interesting correlation can be conjured up . 其他许多有意思的相互关系能被想象出来。
| | 9. | How came you to conjure out that i should be in london today ? 你怎么能算出我会今天到伦敦来呢?
| | 10. | The name of marshal petain is something to conjure with here . 贝当元帅之声望,在此具有相当魔力。