| 1. | Oh , i don t think it s my doing , said connie “啊,我不相信我出了。什么力。 ”
| 2. | One never should keep these things , said connie “一个人千万不要留这种东西。 ”
| 3. | We ' re not in trouble or anything . connie . carla 我们没有卷进任何麻烦康妮卡拉
| 4. | Connie laughed . the rain was rushing down 康妮笑了起来,外面的雨在倾盆地下着。
| 5. | Al just made that up because he was mad at connie 艾尔因为生康妮的气才装成那样
| 6. | His behaviour with regard to connie was curious 克利福对于康妮的态度是奇怪的。
| 7. | Connie hesitated ; he was putting up an opposition 康妮犹豫着:他正在反对她了。
| 8. | She ll come back to you one day , said connie 她总有一天是要回来的。 ”康妮说。
| 9. | Are you in , connie ? - i ' ll check with charlie 你来吗,康妮? -我得问一下查理先
| 10. | Leave connie alone . he does the best he can 让他一边凉快去吧.你水平已经那样了