中文翻译与英英解释 | adj. 1.【生物学】异形的,异态的;【虫类】完全变态的。 2.【化学】多晶(型)的。 3.【物理学】复形性的。
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例句与用法 | 1. | On the heteromorphy and heteromorphic poems ' values of the chinese and foreign poems 论中外诗歌中形异及形异诗的价值
| | 2. | They show a heteromorphic alternation of generations , the gametophyte eging the dominant generation 苔藓植物具有明显的世代交替现象,配子体在世代交替中占优势。
| | 3. | ( 2 ) there are some difference between the carpellary disc in the prolification flower and the carpellary disc in non - prolification flower . the carpellary disc of lowflower in prolification flower is similar to the carpellary disc in non - prolification flower , jointing into cup - shaped or dish - shaped each other surrounding carpel , or sometimes splitting from each other . but the carpel in highflower has itself carpellary disc that develops into various structure following with carpellary heteromorphic development 其下方花中的房衣与非台阁花中的房衣相似,彼此联合成杯状或盘状,围绕心皮形成一圈,但由于受上方花的影响,房衣常常多处开裂,不形成闭合的房衣环;在上方花中各心皮的房衣彼此分离,与各自的心皮伴生,且随心皮的异形化发育也发育成各种形态结构。
| | 4. | On basis of the fact that some organs in the highflower usually appear pappus - a carpellary marked trait , or carpellary morphological trace or anatomical character in the process of transforming development , deem that the highflower origins from the heteromorphic development of carpellary primordium . furthermore , the course and mode of heteromorphic development of different organs in the highflower have been described , and according to the organ composition in highflower , the prolification flower is divided into green prolification , colorful prolification , golden prolification and three - strata prolification 其上方花转化初期的花萼片、花瓣和雄蕊中总表现有心皮的标记性性状? ?被毛、带有心皮的形态和解剖结构痕迹,上方花花萼片的解剖结构中存在有类子房结构,花萼片、花瓣和雄蕊与心皮形成复合结构等,提出其上方花的各类器官都是由心皮原基异形化转化发育而形成的观点。