| 1. | He returned to his native land of homesickness . 他因怀念故土而返回(乡里)。
| 2. | It was as overpowering and imaginative as homesickness . 那象思乡一样,是一种压倒一切的遐想。
| 3. | Those pictures surelly trigued my deep homesickness 那些照片的确勾起我的乡愁。
| 4. | He returned to his native land of homesickness 他因怀念故土而返回(乡里) 。
| 5. | The girl appeared to be overcome with homesickness 这女孩看来想家想得受不了啦。
| 6. | Homesickness in modern chinese romantic novels 中国现代浪漫小说的怀乡意识
| 7. | More discussinon on li bai ' s poems of homesickness 再论李白怀乡诗
| 8. | A view on lu xun ' s humanism in respect of his cultural homesickness 从文化乡愁看鲁迅的立人思想
| 9. | Seeing the hometown complex through the themes of homesickness 从思乡主题话语看中国人的乡土情结
| 10. | Homesickness is motivation and destination of his writing 乡愁是作家写作的动力,亦是写作的归宿。