| 1. | The humorist posed as a plain uneducated man . 幽默家故意装成没有受过教育的平民。
| 2. | You're quite a humorist . 你真是一个十足的幽默家。
| 3. | Ward and several other humorists came from the east . 沃德和几个别的幽默作家都来自东部。
| 4. | "the way of the humorist is very hard," said the young man gravely . “这位幽默家说起话来可真冲啊,”那年青的男子一本正经地说。
| 5. | Books and articles flowed from twain, and each increased his reputation as america's greatest humorist . 书籍和文章从马克吐温那里源源而来,每一种都能增加他这个美国最伟大的幽默作家的声誉。
| 6. | Twain, too, is something of the cynical pedagogue, though one of his san francisco nicknames was the wild humorist of the plains . 马克吐温也有一点象愤世嫉俗的学究,虽然他在旧金山有一个绰号叫“平原上的野幽默家”。
| 7. | The poet will also be remembered as a humorist and a satirist 这位诗人也将作为幽默作家和讽刺家被人们怀念。
| 8. | " the way of the humorist is very hard , " said the young man gravely “这位幽默家说起话来可真冲啊, ”那年青的男子一本正经地说。
| 9. | 1845 thomas hood , english poet and humorist , died at finchley road in london after a long illness 英国诗人与幽默作家托马斯?胡德久病后逝世于伦敦芬奇利路。
| 10. | If we are to deal purely with twain the humorist , we have to fall back upon the details of his art 假如我们把马克?吐温当作一个单纯的幽默作家来看待,我们得转回头分析他的技巧。