| 1. | Arch spat some more tobacco juice on his boot top and whetted the jackknife blade some more . 阿奇又朝靴面上吐了些烟沫,再把大折刀磨了几下。
| 2. | What do these course of jackknife have to distinguish 重叠的这些科目有什么区别吗?
| 3. | With a jackknifed trailer truck , so . . 一辆拖车连环相撞,所以…
| 4. | With a jackknifed trailer truck , so . . 一辆拖车连环相撞,所以…
| 5. | With a jackknifed trailer truck , so 一辆拖车连环相撞,所以
| 6. | Them are his trousers i ve on me and he gave me an oilskin and that jackknife 俺身上穿的就是他的裤子,还给了俺一块油布和那把大折刀。
| 7. | The goal is to reduce the impact a crash would have on the front car and prevent cars from jackknifing 减轻前面车厢受到的撞击冲力从而使机车免于折裂。
| 8. | The algorithm has been trained and tested on bacillus subtilis promoter dataset by the jackknife method 对实际数据集进行的刀切法测试验证了算法的有效性。
| 9. | Be to say the course specialized subject of jackknife need not take an examination of undergraduate course what be still 是说重叠的科目专科考了本科就不用再考了还是什么?
| 10. | Posada was up next , and with one strike , he drove a screamer to right , just foul . the next pitch jackknifed under his bat for strike three 小波是下一棒打击者,一好球后,他打出支吓人的一击,但可惜是界外。而下一球,让小波挥棒三振他出局。