| 1. | The lowermost capillary fringe is a zone in which the pressure is less than atmospheric . 最下面的那个毛细水带中的压力小于大气压。
| 2. | Elevator to topmost or lowermost shih clean out inner call 电梯行至最高或最低时清除内叫
| 3. | Figures in the lowermost 人物在最下面
| 4. | Is a trip to the upper right - hand corner of the progress , success is the lowermost stratum arrived 右上角是一个行程的进度条,到达最底部就是成功。
| 5. | By convention , visual designers use the lowermost left pixel of the bitmap as the transparent color 根据约定,可视化设计器将该位图最下方左侧的像素用作透明色。
| 6. | First choice in the lowermost level , a total of three - level options , and then start the game started 先在最下面选择级别,共有3个级别可选,然后点“ start ”开始游戏。
| 7. | Introduction : first choice in the lowermost level , a total of three - level options , and then start the game started 先在最下面选择级别,共有3个级别可选,然后点“ start ”开始游戏。
| 8. | Singapore , nevertheless i want to know the range of your lowermost cash deposit , such good comparison suggest to you 新加坡,不过我想知道你的最低保证金的范围,这样比较好给你建议。
| 9. | If you are used , is lowermost ginseng keeps cardinal number , then you are taken in one ' s hand salary is many bits 2200 probably 假如你公司采用的是最低参保基数,那你拿到手的工资大概是2200多点。
| 10. | Undergraduate course opens education setting of pilot special training course has a few kinds , how much is the percentage that takes lowermost graduation total credit each 本科开放教育试点专业课程设置有几种,各占最低毕业总学分的百分比是多少?