| 1. | A title to goods isn't like a bill of lading . 货物所有权不同于提货单。
| 2. | The rickety little waggon was already laden . 那辆摇摇晃晃的货车,已经装好了车子。
| 3. | The urine is laden with leukocytes . 尿中布满白细胞。
| 4. | Two mules well laden with packs were trudging along . 两头骡子驮着沉重的背包,吃力地往前走。
| 5. | This morning, laden with full equipment, he looked scarcely human . 这天早晨,他背着全部设备,看起来很不象个样儿。
| 6. | The air was laden with spices-the mingled fragrance of many grasses and flowers . 空气里荡漾着芳香,很多花草混和在一起的芳香。
| 7. | A train of mules laden with gold and silver from the mines of peru was slowly approaching . 一队驮着秘鲁矿中金银的骡子正缓慢行进。
| 8. | A bill of lading may be either freight prepaid or freight payable at destination . 提单所规定的运费,可以预先支付,或在目的地支付。
| 9. | Gabriel's nose was greeted by an atmosphere laden with the sweet smell of new malt . 加布里埃尔的鼻子嗅到了一股新麦芽的甜滋滋的气息。
| 10. | The bills of lading are turned over to the shipper, who will surrender the letter of indemnity to the bank . 将提单转交给承运人,承运人再将保证函交给银行