| 1. | He had written something and hidden it away to keep it from the jailer . 他写了些什么,瞒着狱卒把它藏了起来。
| 2. | He greeted damon kindly, and then gave himself into the hands of the jailer . 他亲热地向达芒致意,然后投向狱吏。
| 3. | Prisoners sometimes ease their captivity by endowing their jailers with extraordinary qualities . 犯人有时表现出非常好的品德以取悦狱卒,以此改善他们的境遇。
| 4. | In short, we do not achieve profitability by becoming our brother's keeper or his judge or jailer . 一句话,如果我们去给别人当管家,去充当法官或狱卒之类的角色,我们就无法获得利润。
| 5. | The next morning at the same hour , the jailer came again 第二天早上,狱卒又来了。
| 6. | The keeper of the keys in a prison ; a jailer 监狱看守掌管监狱钥匙的人,狱卒
| 7. | It was time , for the jailer was coming 真是千钧一发,因为狱卒正好过来了。
| 8. | The jailer went away shaking his head 狱卒一边摇着头一边退了出去。
| 9. | I ' m a doctor . you ' re the jailer 我是一个医生,你是一个监狱管理员
| 10. | The jailer shrugged his shoulders and left the chamber 狱卒耸耸他的肩膀,便离开了房间走了。