| 1. | Dr. james would surely be one of these . 詹姆斯大夫当然是其中之一。
| 2. | The ship was jammed between two rocks . 那艘船被卡在两块暗礁之间。
| 3. | He jammed into his fiat x19 two-seater . 他挤进菲亚特X19型双座轿车里。
| 4. | The jam was up the hill above town . 拥塞的地点在小镇上边的山上。
| 5. | The holiday traffic is jamming the roads . 假日的车辆堵塞了道路。
| 6. | James tends a drug store for his uncle . 詹姆士替他叔父照料着一家药店。
| 7. | I wish you would be less unkind, james ! 我希望你的心不要太狠,詹姆士!
| 8. | Here the machines were liable to jam up . 这里的机器容易出故障。
| 9. | James proudly sports his new watch . 詹姆斯骄傲地夸示他的新表。
| 10. | How am i going to get out of this jam ? 我怎样才能摆脱困境呢?