| 1. | The whine of the motors jangled her nerves . 马达的轰鸣吵得她心烦意乱。
| 2. | The front door bell jangled viciously . 前门的门铃激烈地发出刺耳的声响。
| 3. | The phone jangled its two longs, one short for drogheda . 电话铃响了二次长音,一次短音,是打给德洛耶达的。
| 4. | The night was turning jangled and hateful to him as the twilight faded . 夜色渐浓,在他看来黑夜变得越来越可怕可恨了。
| 5. | It's absolutely ridiculous having us bat out these silly musical jangles . 老是让我们随随便便演些唱唱闹闹的无聊玩意儿,太不象话了。
| 6. | Those whirling circles one above the other are worse than the jangling of all the bells . 这些一个比一个高的旋转的圆圈,真有比齐鸣的钟声还要坏。
| 7. | I am not sorry this has happened, for i think their jangling makes excellent sport . 事情弄成这样,我一点也不难过,因为我看他们争吵得倒很好玩哩。
| 8. | We react to stresses such as the jangle of telephones or the wailing of police sirens . 我们对于电话的叮铃声,警笛的尖啸声之类使人紧张的情况会作出反应。
| 9. | The rusty handcuffs jangled on the wall as scobie leant back from his desk and dialed . 当斯考比在桌前往身后一靠,开始拨电话号码的时候,挂在墙上的锈迹斑驳的手铐发出叮零零的响声。
| 10. | He may also remember details of a poem or two: poe's "raven", croaking "nevermore", or his jangling "bells" . 他或许还记得一两首诗的细节:坡的《乌鸦》用阴惨的声音预报“永不复返”;也会记得刺耳的《铃》声。