| 1. | In jena , the subject of a statement is always a 在jena中,语句的主题永远是
| 2. | Jena can create multiple models within a single database Jena可以在一个数据库内创建多个模型。
| 3. | It s possible to bind variables to either jena 可以将变量与jena
| 4. | Sun 7 freiburg vs carl zeiss jena sun 8 greuther furth vs paderborn 星期日8荷甲飞燕诺对格罗宁根
| 5. | Literals are represented in jena by the 常量在jena中通过
| 6. | Interrogating a jena model programmatically is primarily performed through 程序化地查询jena模型主要通过
| 7. | Instance can then be used with jena s 实例可以与jena的
| 8. | The so - called " jena 6 " case has angered many african americans 这次的“耶拿事件”激怒了许多非裔美国人。
| 9. | In jena , an ontology is treated as a special type of rdf model , 在jena中,本体被看作一种特殊类型的rdf模型
| 10. | Friedrich - schiller - universit t jena 斐德里希-席勒大学