| 1. | "the jesuits cater for the upper classes," said mr. m'coy . “耶苏会迎合上流社会嘛”,麦科伊先生说。
| 2. | The transept of the jesuit church in gardiner street was almost full . 加德纳街上,十字形耶稣会教堂的侧廊几乎水泄不通。
| 3. | Jesuit thinkers and modern revival of natural law 耶稣会思想家与近代自然法的复兴
| 4. | The jejune jesuit . ceasing , he began to shave with care 他闭上嘴,仔细地刮起脸来。
| 5. | I ' m gonna go and see an old jesuit friend of mine 我要去见一个基督会的朋友
| 6. | " i am unconvinced . all socialists are jesuits “你可没有说服我,所有的社会主义者都是阴谋家。
| 7. | I ' m a jesuit priest , a curator of a theological library 我只是一个基督会牧师和神学图书馆管理员
| 8. | " the jesuits cater for the upper classes , " said mr . m ' coy “耶苏会迎合上流社会嘛” ,麦科伊先生说。
| 9. | . . . benedictines , jesuits , et cetera 本笃会,耶稣会等等
| 10. | Loyola and the jesuits education 罗耀拉与耶稣会教育