| 1. | Major hunter jiggled his drawingboard . 享特少校轻轻地摇晃他的画板。
| 2. | Electrons can jiggle and wiggle in a more energetic manner . 电子能以更有力的方式旋转与振动。
| 3. | Electrons can jiggle and wiggle in a more energetic manner . 原子能以更有力的方式旋转与振动。
| 4. | If we jiggle the cork, a new phenomenon is involved . “假如我们晃动木塞,就会产生一个新的现象。
| 5. | My conscientious assistant, had a habit of jiggling his foot . 我那位认真的助手习惯于不停地摆脚。
| 6. | This motion could be likened to jiggling the stacked building blocks slightly . 这种运动可以比作是一堆积木的轻微晃动。
| 7. | To the toad, the garden must be a gray screen on which things show only when they jiggle . 这花园在蟾蜍看来必定是一张灰色的屏幕,屏幕上的东西只有在轻轻移动时,它才看得见。
| 8. | Now imagine this great drop of water with all of these jiggling particles, stuck together and tagging along with each other . 现在想象这个大水滴是由所有这些跳动的粒子一个换一个地粘合起来的。
| 9. | Design on automatic test system of jiggle switch 微动开关自动测试系统设计
| 10. | I like my jello to jiggle , if i ' m not being too subtle 要不是我身体不行我一定很想上她