| 1. | Jl , please call for price quote and tour cost ,请来电查询机票与团费。
| 2. | Jl : i think ( the ) martial arts have two parts 杰:我认为武术有两部分。
| 3. | Jl : i ' m deciding to slow down my life 杰:我正考虑放慢生活步伐。
| 4. | Jl : i think it ' s not what i feel 杰:我认为那不是我感觉到的。
| 5. | Jl : you know my background 杰:你了解我的背景吧。
| 6. | Youre all dead ! jl eun - sung 你死定了! - -智银圣
| 7. | Jl : in my personal life , i think i ' ve already finished in forty years 杰:在我个人生活上我想,到40岁已经结束了。
| 8. | Otherwise this paper introduces the jl - capp system design in detail 另外,本文还详细介绍了jl - capp系统的程序设计。
| 9. | Study on changes of serum tnf - jl - 6 and ifn - in viral myocarditis and effect of shenbai oral liquor 的变化及参白口服液防治作用的研究
| 10. | Pitt , jl . mycotoxin prevention and control in foodstuff - " an introduction to mycotoxins " in 在指定此日期前最佳的时间内进食有关食品。