| 1. | The transverse diaphragm is very similar in appearance to the conventional bar joist . 横梁很相似于通常的钢筋搁栅。
| 2. | However, relatively few of the secondfloor ceiling joists themselves were damaged . 但是第二层楼天花板托梁却被破坏得较轻微。
| 3. | The second-floor framing was not appreciably affected and only a few of the first-floor joists were fractured . 第二层楼板构架所受影响较小,只有第一层楼板少数托梁裂断。
| 4. | Damp-proof membranes are also provided to isolate the walls, joists and floors from dampness rising by capillarity . 防潮层也能隔绝墙壁,屋顶和地板,避免由于毛细管作用而引起的潮气上升。
| 5. | The floor joist was cracked and fractured, but no debris was deposited in the basement, as the subflooring remained intact . 地板托梁破裂折断,但是因地板下面安然无恙在地下室并未落下碎片。
| 6. | Specification for open web steel joists , k - series 空腹钢搁栅规范. k系列
| 7. | Filler concrete joists for reinforced and prestressed concrete floors 钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土地板填充混凝土接缝
| 8. | Adhesives for floor joist 地板搁栅用粘合剂
| 9. | Specification for joist girders 搁栅规范
| 10. | Discussion on construction technology of light - gage steel joist gypsum - lath ceiling 浅谈轻钢龙骨纸面石膏板吊顶的施工技术