| 1. | Jos was pleased with george's absence . 乔斯看见乔治不在,心里很痛快。
| 2. | All the while jo watched her in silence . 乔一直闷声不响地看着她。
| 3. | Jo was determined to have it out now . 现在裘决心和盘托出了。
| 4. | Jo twisted in her arms to face forward . 乔在她的怀里扭了扭身子,把脸转向前面。
| 5. | Jo pronounced her a "trump" . 裘称她是个“慷慨大度者”。
| 6. | Jo had sudden fits of sobriety . 裘忽地恍然大悟。
| 7. | Jo was chastising his teddy bear in the living room . 乔在起居室里严厉地惩罚他的玩具小狗熊。
| 8. | To jo alone did the shy girl tell her thoughts . 这个羞怯的小姑娘只背对裘一个人倾吐自己的心曲。
| 9. | "dear me, i didn't know anyone was here!" stammered jo . “天啊,我不知道有人在这里!”裘嗫嚅着。
| 10. | Meg and jo fed their mother like dutiful young storks . 麦格和裘像一对忠实的小鹳似地喂她们的母亲。