中文翻译与英英解释 | feeling jolly and jovial and full of good humor 同义词:jolliness, joviality,
例句与用法 | 1. | Oh, my dear, i trembled at the prospect of his jollity . 啊,我亲爱的,我倒担心是否能指望他欢喜。
| | 2. | That kind of jollity was not for him, it never had been and never would be . 这种欢乐他是享受不到的,今后也不会享受到。
| | 3. | It was as hester said , in regard to the unwonted jollity that brightened the faces of the people 海丝特说得不错,人们的脸上确实闪耀着非同凡响的欢乐。
| | 4. | Despite all this jollity , dallas and houston beat san antonio at attracting travellers from mexico , particularly business travellers 欢闹归欢闹,圣安东尼奥在吸引墨西哥游客特别是商务旅行者方面,还是败给了达拉斯和休斯敦。
| | 5. | Telethon , a french television show , is an icon of popular entertainment , an outpouring of visual jollity and charitable fund - raising 一家法国电视台播出的telethon ( * )马拉松式电视节目一直是大众娱乐的象征,是视觉大宴的洋溢,也是慈善筹款的喷发。
| | 6. | Perhaps [ an english pub is ] a place of rural jollity with log fires crackling and grinning farm lads slurping pints and squaring up to the dart board ( john mortimer 也许是乡间欢乐的地方? ?木柴燃烧在发出爆裂声,咧嘴笑著的、咕嘟咕嘟地喝著一品脱一品脱酒的农场工们正围在飞标靶旁边(约翰?莫蒂默) 。
| | 7. | The youngsters , not immediately within sight , seemed rather bright and desirable appurtenances than otherwise ; the incidents of daily life were not without humorousness and jollity in their aspect there 她生的一群小孩子,一旦不在眼前,就似乎不是叫人讨厌,而是叫人感到聪明可爱坐在那儿,日常生活中的琐事也就有了幽默和欢乐。
| | 8. | Gaston was enjoying himself unreservedly : he was a young man whose heart was in the right place , but his mind had been a little warped by the kind of people he had mixed with in his early days . at one point , i had opted to steel myself , to make my heart and my thoughts immune to the spectacle before my eyes , and to contribute my share to the jollity which seemed to be a dish on the menu 过不多久,欢乐已经到了顶点,不时可以听到一些不堪入耳的脏话,这种话在某个圈子里却被认为是很逗乐的,纳尼娜,普律当丝和玛格丽特听了都为之欢呼。加斯东纵情玩乐,他是一个心地善良的青年,但是他的头脑有点糊涂。我一度真想随波逐流,不要独善其身,索性参加到这场如同一盘美肴似的欢乐中去算了。
| | 9. | When we are advanced in years , there is not a more pleasing entertainment , that to recollect in a gloomy moment the many we have parted with , that have been dear and agreeable to us , and to cast a melancholy thought or two after those , with whom , perhaps , we have indulged ourselves in whole nights of mirth and jollity 当我们年老的时候,有一种无比愉悦的享乐.那就是在感觉忧闷的一刻,重温昔日的挚友,他们曾与我们亲密无间,回想起漫漫长夜一度一起沉浸在欢声语笑中的人,更是让我们的心里涌起无限的忧思