| 1. | Problems in the juristic determination of fraud crime of loan 论贷款诈骗罪的认定
| 2. | Review on the theory of the effectiveness of juristic act 法律行为效力理论之评析
| 3. | On redress amp; conversion of invalid juristic act 论无效法律行为的补正和转换
| 4. | Juristic analyzing of surety in the business of bill of ladings 保函提单之法律分析
| 5. | On the modernization of china ' s juristic culture 浅议实现我国法律文化现代化
| 6. | On the juristic uncertainty and how to ride it 论法律的不确定性及其克服
| 7. | Abstract principle of juristic act of real right 物权行为无因性原则新论
| 8. | On compensation for the damage to the spirit of juristic person 精神损害赔偿金的确定依据
| 9. | Philosophy vs the term of juristic act concept 哲学与法律行为概念名称
| 10. | Juristic theory of real right act and real right alternation 对物权行为及物权变动的理论思考