| 1. | On the characteristics of kazak oral literature 哈萨克族口头文学的血缘传承特点
| 2. | Anthropological unscrambling of the taboos in kazak 哈萨克族禁忌的人类学解读
| 3. | Kazak nonmaterial cultural heritage and its protection 哈萨克非物质文化遗产及其保护
| 4. | On the kazak mythology and primitive religion 论哈萨克民族神话与原始宗教
| 5. | A study on the word stress of the kazak language 哈萨克语的词重音研究
| 6. | The eagles from altai - evaluation on some kazak poets from altai 阿勒泰籍部分哈萨克诗人评介
| 7. | On the contribution of kazak ideologist buhumu and son to the confucianism 论哈萨克族思想家不忽木父子对儒学的贡献
| 8. | The comparison and analysis of physical development of kazak students for the past 10 years 哈萨克族学生体质发育状况的10年比较分析
| 9. | The festival is celebrated by the kazak ethnic minority group , held in the fist lunar month 那吾鲁牧节哈萨克族的节日,农历正月举行。
| 10. | On system structure of geographical of middle school of kazak autonomous prefecture of yili and localization of the function 伊犁哈萨克自治州中学地方地理课程的体系结构与功能的定位