| 1. | On the beach giant kelp had washed ashore . 沙滩上有随浪冲上来的大海藻。
| 2. | Acceptance method of suspended culture yield of kelp 海带筏式养殖产量验收方法
| 3. | Which is where the kelp and the iittle fish are . . 海藻和小鱼都在这里茁壮生长
| 4. | Which is where the kelp and the iittle fish are 海藻和小鱼都在这里茁壮生长
| 5. | So your son likes kelp . so his best friend is a fish 你儿子喜欢助人,他最好的朋友是鱼
| 6. | Processing of kelp powder and its application in bread 海带粉的加工及其在面包中的应用
| 7. | Study on the ingredient optimization of kelp noodle 海带挂面配方优化研究
| 8. | Study on apples and kelp compound beverage 苹果海带复合饮料的研制
| 9. | The buoyancy should be depend on the grow situation of kelp 浮力大小要视海带生长情况灵活掌握。
| 10. | Studies on kelp matrix technology 纸型海带食品的生产工艺研究