| 1. | Brooke will go to keep us boys steady . 勃禄克会去管教那些男孩子的。
| 2. | I must keep to myself, at least for some time . 我暂时还要秘而不宣。
| 3. | Police kept a close watch on the vagrants . 警察严密监视那些流浪者。
| 4. | I kept no company, made no visits . 我没有什么应酬,也不去拜访人家。
| 5. | Keep these things in a separate place . 把这几件东西单放在一个地方。
| 6. | Wild fruit kept us from dying of starvation . 我们靠着野果才没饿死。
| 7. | I'm glad you've kept your enamels ! 我很高兴,你保留了那些珐琅物品!
| 8. | Is this the way the lab is usually kept ? 实验室一直都是这个样子吗?
| 9. | A laboratory must be kept in good order . 实验室里必须保持井井有条。
| 10. | He could scarcely keep in his indignation . 他几乎不能抑制他的愤怒。