| 1. | Hara - kiri is a uniquely japanese form of suicide 切腹是日本人独特的自杀方式。
| 2. | . . . he asked to commit hara - kiri 而是主动请求切腹自尽的
| 3. | He asked to commit hara - kiri 而是主动请求切腹自尽的
| 4. | International performers ranging from diva dame kiri te kanawa to rock star sting , and the territory s own acclaimed orchestras and dance companies 欣赏精采绝伦的演唱会或其他娱乐表演,亦是享受香港夜生活的另一方式。
| 5. | The promoter of the concert sued dame kiri in the new southwalessupreme court , claiming a $ 2 million ( us $ 1 . 6 million ) indamages forbreaching her contract 音乐会的组织者随后将卡纳娃告上法庭,要求她为自己的违约行为支付200万澳元(约合160万美元)的赔款。
| 6. | The promoter of the concert sued dame kiri in the new south wales supreme court , claiming a 2 million us 1 . 6 million in damages for breaching her contract 音乐会的组织者随后将卡纳娃告上法庭,要求她为自己的违约行为支付200万澳元约合160万美元的赔款。
| 7. | Judge patricia bergin dismissed the case against dame kiri on wednesday , ruling the promoter failed to establish its case , reported local media from the court in sydney 卡纳娃进一步指出,如果在自己登台演出时也出现此种情形的话,那就是对她极大的不恭敬。
| 8. | During the case , dame kiri told the court that she was embarrassed by the underwear throwing and found it offensive that farnham collected them as " some sort of trophy . " she said it would be disrespectful to her if she performed 在案件的审理过程中,基里泰卡纳娃向法庭表示,女歌迷扔内衣的行为令她感到厌恶,而法尔纳姆如同“收集战利品”一样将它们捡拾起来更是让她觉得很不愉快。
| 9. | New zealand opera star dame kiri te kanawa , who refused to perform with an australian singer because his female fans threw underwear at him , on wednesday won a lawsuit against her for pulling out of the concert . the new zealand soprano pulled out of a series of concerts with australian rock singer john farnham in 2005 after watching a dvd in which female fans threw underwear at him on stage 据路透社3月21日报道,基里泰卡纳娃原计划在2005年与澳大利亚摇滚歌手约翰法尔纳姆共同举行多场音乐会,但在观看法尔纳姆以前演出的dvd时发现了女歌迷向舞台投掷内衣的情景。