| 1. | Quantum properties of a system in a cavity with a kerr - medium 介质腔中系统的量子性质
| 2. | Transfer matrix algorithm of one - dimensional inhomogeneous kerr medium 介质的传输矩阵算法
| 3. | On clark kerr ' s view of multiversity 克拉克183 ;克尔的巨型大学观
| 4. | Quadratic elctro - optic effect kerr effect 平方电光效应克尔效应
| 5. | Particle energy levels in the spacetime of a non - kerr black hole 一个非克尔黑洞时空中的粒子能级
| 6. | Interested in setting up a debate possibly with senator kerr .表示有兴趣和参议员科尔进行一场辩论
| 7. | Field distribution of one - dimensional kerr nonlinearity photonic crystals 非线性光子晶体中的场分布
| 8. | Investigation of photonic superfluidity in a kerr nonlinear blackbody 克尔非线性黑体中光超流态的研究
| 9. | . . interested in setting up a debate possibly with senator kerr . . .表示有兴趣和参议员科尔进行一场辩论
| 10. | Nanosecond kerr magneooptic camera 毫微秒克尔磁光?影机