| 1. | Belief in a life after death is the keystone of her religious faith . 她的宗教信仰的基础是相信死后有来生。
| 2. | Quantitative measurements of one sort or another serve as the keystone of engineering practice . 定量测定一种或多种成分是环境工程中的重要项目。
| 3. | Internal combustion engines - piston rings - keystone rings 内燃机.活塞环.梯形环
| 4. | Chapter four and five is our keystone of the paper 第四章和第五章是本文的重点。
| 5. | The second part is the keystone of this article 这是论文的重点论述部分。
| 6. | The keystone to any marriage is one word : “ we ” 任何婚姻的基石只有两个字: “我们” 。
| 7. | The fourth chapter is the keystone of the paper 第四章是本论文的重点。
| 8. | Enriching the people - the keystone of administration thought in qi 齐国治国思想的基石
| 9. | Chapter three and four are the keystone of this paper 第三章和第四章是本文的重点章节。
| 10. | Communication is the keystone and difficulty of this paper 通讯功能的实现是本文的难点和重点。