| 1. | The diplomacy study of khomeini ' s iran 霍梅尼时期的伊朗外交分析
| 2. | Or is this just part of khomeini ' s public relations problem 还是这不过是霍梅尼公共关系问题的一部分?
| 3. | Ayatollah khomeini declares the usa to be " the great satan " 1979年? ?伊朗精神领袖霍梅尼宣布美国是“大撒旦” 。
| 4. | But that ' s no reason to turn tail and run whenever khomeini shouts yankee , go home 但这并不构成每当霍梅尼大叫“老美,滚回去! ”时掉头就跑的理由。
| 5. | Khomeini , the religious chief who had been in exile for 15 years , went back to his country to manage the government and to found the fundamentalist iranian state 流亡异国15年的宗教领袖霍梅尼回国主政建立原教旨主义的伊斯兰国家。
| 6. | The women were making their stand on the 16th anniversary of the death of ayatollah ruhollah khomeini , the leader of iran ' s 1979 islamic revolution 这些女性选择站出来的日子,刚好是伊朗1979年伊斯兰革命领导人柯梅尼过世第16年的纪念日。
| 7. | Khomeini is widely believed to have been a football fan and reportedly overruled hardline clerics who wanted the sport banned as un - islamic 一般认为柯梅尼本人也是超级足球迷,据说还曾驳回死硬派的教士提出,因为与回教精神不符,希望禁止这项运动的要求。
| 8. | The thesis set forth the development of the relations of the iranian - us from four terms . including shah period , khomeini period , rafsanjani period and khatami period 本节从四个时期,即巴列维时期、霍梅尼时期、拉夫桑贾尼和哈塔米时期论述了伊美关系的发展变化。
| 9. | " ulysses " by james joyce 28 percent was at three and salman rushdie ' s " the satanic verses " - which prompted iranian spiritual leader ayatollah ruhollah khomeini to issue a or death sentence , against him in 1989 - is at number six 21 percent 詹姆斯乔伊斯的尤利西斯位居第三,萨尔曼拉什迪的撒旦诗篇名列第六21 % , 1989年,拉什迪因此书遭到伊朗精神领袖阿亚图拉鲁和拉赫梅尼的追杀。
| 10. | " ulysses " by james joyce 28 percent was at three and salman rushdie ' s " the satanic verses " - which prompted iranian spiritual leader ayatollah ruhollah khomeini to issue a fatwa , or death sentence , against him in 1989 - is at number six 21 percent 詹姆斯乔伊斯的尤利西斯位居第三,萨尔曼拉什迪的撒旦诗篇名列第六21 % , 1989年,拉什迪因此书遭到伊朗精神领袖阿亚图拉鲁和拉赫梅尼的追杀。