中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 〔俚语〕胡说。 put the kibosh on 使彻底失败,挫败,制服(Another such injury will put the kibosh on his athletic career. 再受一次这样的伤,就会使他的运动事业告吹)。
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| stop from happening or developing; "Block his election"; "Halt the process" 同义词:stop, halt, block,
例句与用法 | 1. | Another such injury will put the kibosh on his athletic career . 再受一次这样的伤,就会使他的运动事业告吹。
| | 2. | I ' m afraid that bad weather will pat the kibosh on our holiday plan 我怕糟糕的天气会毁了我们的度假计划。
| | 3. | But i put the kibosh on that 但是我把制止了他