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发布时间:2021-02-05 作者: 英语查

kilohertz 是什么意思



(pl. -hertz) 千赫。
one thousand periods per second
同义词:kHz, kilocycle per second, kilocycle, kc,


1.Clock frequencies up to hundreds of kilohertz might be achievable , but don ' t look for gigahertz - rated organic chips anytime soon

2.Abbreviated names and opaque string formats are a relic of the era when supercomputers had 32k of memory and speeds measured in kilohertz

3.Echolocation calls are usually ultrasonic ranging in frequency from 20 to 200 kilohertz ( khz ) , whereas human hearing normally tops out at around 20 khz
用于回声定位的叫声一般是20 200千赫之间的超声波,而人所能听到的最高频率在20千赫左右。

4.Wherever data exists , numbers exist , and computers can do marvellous calculations with them . but what does all of that have to do with increasing bits and kilohertz

5.Ultrasound frequencies generally range between 20 kilohertz and 50 kilohertz , depending on application requirements . ultrasonic cleaning is typically performed at temperatures between 122 f and 176 f
工业超声波清洗常用频率在20千赫到50千赫之间,常用清洗温度在50 - 80之间。

6.By the end of 1922 , the government had licensed around 550 stations across the united states , with most of these stations broadcasting with modest power levels on 360 meters , or approximately 832 . 8 kilohertz
到1922年底,政府准许了大约550个驻地横跨美国,与大多这些驻地播放以普通的力量水平在360米,或大约832 . 8千赫。

7.When the frequency of signal is below to kilohertz quantitatively , the preactical test results of this system indicated that it is efficiency in signal process of biomedicine , automatic control , and audio etc . the purpose of design has been realized by the system ultimately

8.Recent study of the kilohertz quasi - periodic oscillations ( qpos ) in low mass x - ray binaries ( lmxbs ) indicates that the radiation force , other than the magnetosphere and disk interaction and the general relativity ( gr ) effect setting the inner disk edge , serves as the disk truncation mechanism on shorter time scales . some results and discussions are presented in this paper

9.A 3rd generation converter samples the signal 44 , 100 times per second - with a frequency of 44 . 1 khz kilohertz . this time resolution exceedingly determines the sound , which we finally perceive : a low resolution sampling or sample rate results in a more muffled sound because quickly oscillating sound waves i . e . high tone are not acquired correctly

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