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发布时间:2021-02-05 作者: 英语查

lineate 是什么意思




1.The design built the wireless lan application platform with the modes of switching in the wireless lan and bar - code scan technology of wireless hand terminal ; made ap switch in warehouse exchanger by lineate method to get in lineate lan of the corporation , and joined the wireless lan into lineate lan by the wireless hand terminal communication to ap with protocols
整个硬件环境设计采用了无线网络接入方式和无线手持终端、条码扫描技术建立无线网络应用平台, ap以有线方式接入立体仓库交换机与企业有线网络接通,无线手持终端通过协议与ap通信实现无线网络与有线网络连通。

2.Storage , a very important chain of material flow , now is supervised manually or in the state of semi - automation in china . its efficiency is not high . in recent years , some of corporations realize partial integration of information , but mode of communications is lineate mostly

3.Bridge health remote monitoring is a method to monitor a bridge in lineate or wireless way in real time , it changes the traditional way of monitoring by manpower , works more automatically , highly increase the response speed when any structure breakage is happened , save manpower and material resource , through this method , people can also manage many bridges in one place remotely

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