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发布时间:2021-02-05 作者: 英语查

mahomet 是什么意思


= Mohammed.


1.If the mountain will not come to mahomet , mahomet must go to the mountain

2." after we had counted our treasures we put them back into the chest and carried them to the gate - way to show them to mahomet singh

3.Napoleon is the mahomet of the west , and is worshipped by his commonplace but ambitions followers , not only as a leader and lawgiver , but also as the personification of equality .
拿破仑是西方的穆罕默德,他的那些庸庸碌碌却又野心勃勃的信徒们很崇拜他,他们不仅把他看作一个领袖和立法者,还把他看作平民的化身。 ”

4.The traveller waited and watched for some time , and at last he laughed . i see , he said , the mountain will never be brought to mahomet , so all you can do is to aid mahomet to go to the mountain ; i must beg of you to come here
“我明白, ”他说, “山是永远搬不到穆罕默德这边来的,因此你所能做到的,是帮助穆罕默德走到山那边去,我得请你到这儿来。 ”

5.The brahmin legends assert that this city is built on the site of the ancient casi , which , like mahomet s tomb , was once suspended between heaven and earth ; though the benares of to - day , which the orientalists call the athens of india , stands quite unpoetically on the solid earth

6.I could ha been content to ha taken this moor with me , and ha drown d the boy , but there was no venturing to trust him : when he was gone i turn d to the boy , who they call d xury , and said to him , xury , if you will be faithful to me i ll make you a great man , but if you will not stroak our face to be true to me , that is , swear by mahomet and is father s beard , i must throw you into the sea too ; the boy smil d in my face and spoke so innocently that i could mistrust him ; and swore to be faithful to me , and go all over the world with me
前面提到过,那个摩尔小孩名叫马列司科,但大家都叫他"佐立" 。那摩尔人走后,我就对他说: "佐立,假如你忠于我,我会使你成为一个出色的人。但如果你不打自己的耳光向我发誓,如果你不凭着穆罕默德起誓效忠于我,我也把你扔到海里去。

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