中文翻译与英英解释 | n. 1.吻。 2.〔诗〕(微风等的)轻拂,轻触,轻抚。 3.【撞球】球与球的接触。 4.蛋白小甜饼;小糖果。 5.〔儿语〕(奶、茶等上浮的)泡泡。 短语和例子 give a kiss 接个吻。 snatch [steal] a kiss偷吻。 blow [throw] a kiss at [to] sb. 向某人飞吻(=kiss one's hand to sb.)。 Judas kiss阴险的背叛,口蜜腹剑。 vt. 1.吻。 2.〔诗〕(微风等)轻拂,轻触,轻抚。 短语和例子 kiss the baby on the cheek =kiss the baby's cheek 吻婴儿的颊。 kiss sb. goodby(e) 吻别某人。 kiss sth. goodby(e) 无可奈何地失掉[去掉]某物。 The breeze kissed the face. 轻风拂面。 vi. 1.接吻。 2.轻触,轻抚。 3.【撞球】(球与球的)接触。 短语和例子 kiss and be friends 接吻复归于好。 make glasses kiss碰杯。 kiss away 1. 吻掉(眼泪等)。 2. 为女人花费金钱。 kiss hand [the hand] 吻(国王的)手〔一种正式的致意或大臣等就任时的仪式〕。 kiss off 〔俚语〕拒绝;(无理地)把…解雇,开除。 kiss one's hand to sb. 向某人飞吻。 kiss the Bible [the Book] 吻《圣经》宣誓。 kiss the canvas [resin] 〔美俚〕(在职业性拳击中)被击倒。 kiss the dust 1. 屈服。 2. 被杀。 kiss the ground 1. 俯伏在地。 2. 受辱。 kiss the hare's foot 迟到。 kiss the post 吃闭门羹。 kiss the rod 受罚。 kiss up to (sh.) 拍(某人的)马屁。
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| a light glancing touch; "there was a brief kiss of their hands in passing"
| | the act of caressing with the lips (or an instance thereof) 同义词:buss, osculation,
| | any of several bite-sized candies 同义词:candy kiss,
| | a cookie made of egg whites and sugar
| touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone''s mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc.; "The newly married couple kissed"; "She kissed her grandfather on the forehead when she entered the room" 同义词:snog, buss, osculate,
| | touch lightly or gently; "the blossoms were kissed by the soft rain"
A kiss is the act of pressing one's lips against another person or an object. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. |
例句与用法 | 1. | Pug gave his wife an absent kiss . 帕格心不在焉地吻了一下他的妻子。
| | 2. | Why do not you two kiss and make up ? 你们俩为何不接个吻,言归于好呢?
| | 3. | We kissed and she broke away suddenly . 我们亲嘴,接着她突然挣开了身。
| | 4. | There's no objection to a farewell kiss ! 临别以前接个吻没有什么妨碍吧!
| | 5. | Philip kissed her wrinkled, thin cheek . 菲利浦吻着她布满皱纹的瘦小的脸。
| | 6. | He bent over her and kissed her repeatedly . 他朝她弯下身去不停地吻着她。
| | 7. | He praised the baby and kissed him . 他夸赞这婴儿,并亲了亲他。
| | 8. | Uh, oh, i can kiss my boob tube goodbye . 啊呀,那我的电视机可要保不住了。
| | 9. | And what a mighty matter is it-a kiss ? 接个吻有什么大不了的?
| | 10. | Suddenly they interrupted their kissing . 突然他们停止了接吻。